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Category: Tango Performances

A Brief History of Argentine Tango by Clint Rauscher and Shelley Brooks

 Version 1.0 - May 2014

The concept of this performance is to show a progression of Argentine Tango from its early days up to today, demonstrating different rhythms, embraces and styles. 
Performance Notes: This was our first time attempting this performance. I finished editing the music on Thursday and we performed it the very next night, at the Spoleto Tango weekend in Charleston, Sc. This performance was completely improvised, Shelley did not even know which songs I had decided on prior to the performance. Since this was our first time attempting this performance, we appreciate any constructive criticism that you might have for making it better. We want to fine tune this concept and perform it again in the near future.

2017 Colgadas Workshop Demo

 December 9, 2017

Teachers: Clint Rauscher and Shelley Brooks
Song: Tristeza de Arrabal by Otros Aires

2014 Leg Wraps and Ganchos Demo

Clint Rauscher and Shelley Brooks
May 2014
Spoleto Tango Festival - Charleston, SC
"Nochero Soy" by Osvaldo Pugliese
In this demo, we start with the most basic of leg wraps (ganchos), leading her to a side open and stepping into her step to receive the wrap (:14). The primary leg wrap from the class can be seen clearly at :22 and 1:55. It starts with a rebound step and lead her around/over my right leg, creating an opportunity for her to wrap. One thing that we discussed in the class was the technique for the women, to make these safe for the dance floor, is to not extend the leg out after the wrap.. notice at :25, Shelley's knee is bent and goes up instead of out.

Then we proceed to demonstrate more complex wraps showing how they can be used to express the music, such as at 1:17. Two of my favorites are the double wrap at 1:44 and the inside the embrace gancho at 2:00. We also did a piernazo (high leg wrap, above the man's waist) at :45. 

Performances and Demonstrations

Augusta, GA Tango Festival 2018

Colgadas Workshop Demo, Dec 2017

Spoleto Tango Festival Workshop Demo, May 2017

Columbia, SC Regional Tango Festival Performance
November 2014

We had planned on dancing to something very slow, but then we were asked to perform live with the Alejandro Ziegler Orchestra. So, we decided to be bold and dance to their arrangement of Astor Piazzolla's "Michelangelo '70." This is completely improvised and we have never danced to this song before, much less their live version. I do wish we had been able to practice to it a few times, because i feel like it started coming together about half-way through. Thanks to Martin Ahrens for the video.


DubStep Tango Performance for Daza Dance Showcase
June 2014
This is our performance from the Daza showcase. This was part of a showcase put on by Daza Dance to showcase the students and teachers of the studio. This was an improvised performance, except for the lift at the very beginning.


History of Argentine Tango Performance
May 2014

The concept of this performance is to show a progression of Argentine Tango from its early days up to today, demonstrating different rhythms, embraces and styles.


Vals Performance from Charleston, SC Spoleto Tango Festival
May 2014


Leg Wraps Class Demo from Charleston, SC Spoleto Tango Festival
May 2014

Does humor belong in Tango?

Frank Zappa used to ask, "Does humor belong in music?" They are asking "Does humor belong in Tango?" I think the answer is yes. There are many ways of expressing Tango: elegant, sensual, playful, sexy, fluid, etc.

What they are doing here is very difficult and takes a very high degree of skill to do well.. and they are doing it very very well.