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Vals Tandas - Mixed

Here is my collection of mixed vals tandas. My favorites are highlighted. I usually play 3 song vals tandas, but most of the tandas below are arranged in 4 song tandas for when they are needed.

Song Orchestra Cantor/Singer Year Type
This is one of my faovrite vals tandas. This includes a wonderful version of Corazón de Artista by Ricardo Malerba.
Bajo Un Cielo de Estrellas Francisco Lomuto Fernando Díaz 1941 Vals
Corazón de Artista Ricardo Malerba   1943 Vals
Lagrimas y Sonrisas Rodolfo Biagi   1941 Vals
I think this is a great example of trying to put songs together that have a similar spirit and feel. These are fun and playful and fit together very well. All of these are real crowd pleasers, especially Tengo Mil Novias and Estas Chicas se Quieren Casar. People are always smiling and laughing after this tanda.
Isabelita Enrique Rodriguez Armando Moreno 1940 Vals
Tengo Mil Novias Enrique Rodriguez Roberto Flores y Choir 1939 Vals
Estas Chicas se Quieren Casar Angel Condercuri Alberto Castillo 1949 Vals
Todos Queremos Mas Angel Condercuri Alberto Castillo 1953 Vals
Isabelita Alfredo Gobbi     Vals
Rosamel Carlos di Sarli Roberto Rufino 1940 Vals
Jugando, Jugando Miguel Caló Raul Beron 1944 Vals