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200 Level - Foundational Classes

These 200 level classes provide foundational concepts and techniques in order to progress to the more advanced ideas of Tango. 

T - Tango    V - Vals    M - Milonga

T201 - Close Embrace
Close Embrace Tango is danced with the torsos of both partners resting against one another. It offers a unique connection between the dancers and is a very common way of dancing on crowded dance floors at Milongas (Tango Dance Parties). We will look at transitions between Close and Open Embrace and examine some common moves and how they differ between the embraces.

T202- Musicality: Double Time Rhythm (Quick Quick Slow Slow)
The Double Time Rhythm is used extensively in Tango, Vals and Milonga to accentuate the dance. Understanding and being able to incorporate this rhythm into your dance is imperative to good Tango.

T203 - Exploring Cross System
In normal Parallel, system, when Dancer A steps with their left leg, Dancer B steps with their right leg. In Cross System, when Dancer A steps with their left leg, Dancer B steps with their left leg. This is fairly unique to Tango and many movements in Tango are executed in Cross System.

T204 - Sacadas I: Forward Sacadas
A Sacada (displacement) is when one dancer steps into the space that their partner just vacated. In this class, we will look at Internal and External Forward Sacadas for both men and women. We will also look at the difference between Low and High Sacadas.

T205 - Paradas y Pasadas I
During this series, we will examine the proper technique for leading and following Paradas (stops) and Pasadas (passovers). 

T206 - La Calesita I

T207 - Barridas (Arrastre) I: Simple Drags
A Barrida (a sweep, a drag) is the dragging of a partner’s free leg during a Caminata (walk) or Giro (turn). During this series, we will examine the proper technique for leading and following both external and internal Barridas in both open and close embrace. 

T208 - Boleos I: Circular Boleos
A Circular Boleo (voleo: to volley) is when a woman is sent around her own vertical axis resulting in her free leg moving behind or in front of her supporting leg in a circular movement. In this series, we will look at both high and low Boleos as well as Contra-Boleos.

T209 - Ganchos I: Basic Ganchos
A Gancho (hook) is when a woman or man lifts their free leg while wrapping (hooking) it around their partner’s leg. During this series, we will look at Ganchos for women, men and both simultaneously. Also known as, Enganche (hooking).

T210 - Ochos II: Intermediate Ochos
This class will help us develop a higher understanding of Ochos such as Parallel Ochos for both leaders and followers and adding musicality to our Ochos.

T211 - La Cruzada (The Cross) Variations
Variations on the Cruzada for intermediate dancers. We explore different ways of achieving and playing with the Cross.

T212 - Ocho Cortado Variations
Variations on the Ocho Cortado for intermediate dancers.

T213 - Giros II: Popular Turns (Intermediate Giros)
Giros (turns) are circular movements where one dancer goes around the other dancer or they both go around a common axis.

T214 - Adornos (Embellishments) I
Beginner embellishments (adornos) such as lapiz, tucks, etc.

V201 - Vals I
Vals is one of the rhythms that we dance to at Milongas (Tango Dance Parties). This class will focus on understanding the rhythm of Vals, how to incorporate your existing steps into Vals and new steps that fit nicely into Vals.

M201 - Milonga I
Milonga is one of the rhythms that we dance to at Milongas (Tango Dance Parties). This class will focus on understanding the rhythm of  Milonga, how to incorporate your existing steps into Milonga and new steps that fit nicely into Milonga.